Tools you can use
There are no fancy graphics here, only effective study tools I developed to support my students. These tools are helpful for both the theory and practical components at all levels of the WSET Awards in Wines, even for Sommeliers and Masters of Wine Candidates…

Practice (L3) makes perfect…
A good friend asked me for recommendations of wines to exercise for the practical exam of the WSET Level 3 Award in Wines. In this post, I propose an exercise.
Fundamental is to taste as per the Systematic Approach to Tasting, which was demonstrated using at least 70 wines during class time.
However, the critical point to pass with a high level is to be crystal clear with the skills required to demonstrate to the examiner.

Defining Style & Quality, a Framework…
In this post, I want to propose an approach, focusing on understanding and defining Style and Quality. A way of thinking that lays solid foundations upon which to rest the building blocks of wine knowledge and help to connect the dots more effectively when tackling a deductive tasting exercise.

Fortified Wines, A Most Helpful Table..
During our tasting of various sherries last week, it became clear quite quickly that knowledge of other fortified wines would be necessary to identify them promptly in a blind tasting. And so, I created a profile table (here) for fortified wines to help me study.
This table was created with the help of various source. In particular, the official websites of sherry and port. Invaluable was The Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia by Tom Stevenson as was The Oxford Companion To Wine by Jancis Robinson.